Man ska ha husvagn!
Dra mig baklänges vilken UNDERBAR husvagn! Den är såklart från min favvodesigner Pearl Lowe. Jag blev så inspirerad av detta att jag slängde upp en gammal spetsduk i mitt sovrumsfönster ha ha. Inte lika snygga som dessa gardiner, men jag låtsas det. Just nu sitter jag för övrigt och letar rokoko på Tradera. Jag har ett litet projekt på G, mer om det senare om det blir av :-)
What a WONDERFUL caravan! It is of course from my favorite designer PearlLowe. I was so inspired by this that I threw up an old lace doily in my bedroom window ha ha. Not as nice as these curtains, but I pretend it is. Right now I'm also looking andrococo on eBay. I have a small project on G, of which more later if it comes off :-)
What a WONDERFUL caravan! It is of course from my favorite designer Pearl Lowe. I was so inspired by this that I threw up an old lace doily in my bedroom window ha ha. Not as nice as these curtains, but I pretend it is. Right now I'm looking rococo on eBay. I have a small project upcoming, of which more later if it comes off :-)
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